Get the info of animal kaiser card & barcodes for free...^^ just send to my email what card you want....
plz send me the barcode for siegfread that have 9000 strength
plz send me the barcode of dark lion
plz send me the barcode of master leo !!!!!!!
PLZ send me the barcode for the snake with the holy ring up in his head(strength = 6000,HP = 8000)Tolong kirimin barcode yang ular itu dong yang ada cincin itu di kepalanya (Strength 6000, HP 8000)
please send me dark lion barcode to (
Please send me siegfried barcode! please....!(
mas ,, kirimin barcode semua kartu ultimate diatas dong ..thanx banget... dtunggu ..(
Please send me all barcode! please....!(
please send me maste leo and kaise coral barcode ... plzemail: (
plz send me the barcode for siegfread that have 9000 strength
BalasHapusplz send me the barcode of dark lion
BalasHapusplz send me the barcode of master leo !!!!!!!
BalasHapusPLZ send me the barcode for the snake with the holy ring up in his head(strength = 6000,HP = 8000)
BalasHapusTolong kirimin barcode yang ular itu dong yang ada cincin itu di kepalanya (Strength 6000, HP 8000)
please send me dark lion barcode to (
BalasHapusPlease send me siegfried barcode! please....!(
BalasHapusmas ,, kirimin barcode semua kartu ultimate diatas dong ..
BalasHapusthanx banget... dtunggu ..
Please send me all barcode! please....!
please send me maste leo and kaise coral barcode ... plz
BalasHapusemail: (